What He Does
Work Experience
Otieno Paul Peter first worked as an ICT trainer with Insitute of Advanced Technology (IAT) for about 18 months, where he learned lots of technical skills and achieved his ICT certifications in ICDLs, Network Support, CCNA, and many others. He was awarded best trainer in the organization a couple of times. He then proceeded to Africa Online (K) Ltd where he worked in support department; assisting customers with their network and email problems both on phone and through site visits. He won the admirations of his clients (in both institutions) and would always be called by his clients even while on his leave to go in person and asist them. He loves supporting customers and has learned alot from his experience in this domain.
Otieno left active employement in 2010 August to pursue is passion in business; starting by building a successful network marketing business in the health and nutrition industry before embarking on capacity development; a natural gifting he appears to have from childhood. He founded Live Your Dream Enterprises Limited (LYD), as a business consultancy and support organization, in 2013. Just about 4 years earlier, he had registered an ICT organization called ICT Gurus Agency, which is now known as ICT Gurus EA Limited

Corporate Training
Otieno loves to train. He loves to share knowledge with people and build the capacity; enabling people to live their dreams. His mantra has always been 'Live Your Dream'. Otieno is experienced in training in a wide variety of subjects with his most outstanding being:
- Mental Toughness: here, he integrates Emotional Intelligence (EQ) topics as he inspires and equips his participants to stay resilient amidst turbulence, embrace challenges, see the big picture, and thrive against all odds.
- Decision Making: how to make tough leadership decisions and the role of intuition
- Timeless Leadership: helping people to develop leadership attitudes and skills that transcend generations.
- Personal Branding: How to position yourself in the marketplace in order to grow in your career.

Team Building Facilitation
One of the best things that can happen to your team is to be through a Team Building session run by Otieno Paul Peter. He has a way of not only inspiring the team, but also coming up with thought-provocking ideas, games and activities that leave a lasting impact.

Talks to Inspire Action
Otieno has been giving talks to various groups, teams, institutions, clubs and all manner of entities. He does this both virtually and in person. Some of the institutions include universities (University of Nairobi), Rotary Clubs, Corporate Organizations banks, etc.

Coaching and Mentoring
Otieno also engages in one-on-one and group mentoring services. He has mentored countless people in the field of business, life, career and academics. These he has done both paid and as CSR for many years. He believes that it is through giving that he receives.